Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So, Scartlet Letter . . .

I still don't think that I like the book. As I said, I think it's important to understand the meaning behind the book, such as Ferenheit 451. Just telling kids not to make fun of each other doesn't mean that they'll listen. Telling a society not to cast out, and ostracize a member of the comunity does not mean that they'll suddenly go, "Oh, of course, that's wrong!" and stop doing it. As humans, we have to feel a certain amount of empathy before we connect, and realize, "Oh, telling that person they're burning in Hell because they stole my boyfriend isn't right!"
Most people can't connect the dots until they see it happen to an actual person. Sad, isn't it, that our hearts are so cold that we don't realize treating people with equal amounts of respect it something we should do in the first place?



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