Monday, October 16, 2006


She's the perfect person,
Never worries about a date.
I'm the shadow of her
Perfection I'm lacking.
People tell her she's amazing
Look past the stabbing bones.

They look at me, than past
Personality. The only thing
They inform me I have.
Her eyes are gaunt,
Her wrists so brittle.
They tell her she's beautiful.
My eyes are bright,
You would be bale to snap
My bones.
They tell me I have a

Isn't it great?
She's shriveling before their
Eyes. Disappearing,
Pound by pound. She's sick.
They told her she's perfect.
I'm still here, my personality
Remaining. She's beautiful,
They tell me.
Why aren't I?


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A random thought-

Since when should a chemistry class be more difficult than two AP classes combined? I mean, really. My stress level was so high, I thought the bile was eating a hole in my stomach last night. Stupid galbladder.

And, another thing

Reading the Scarlet letter wasn't that enjoyable because of Nathaniel Hawthornes style. It's so old . . . I just can't really get into to groove of it.

So, Scartlet Letter . . .

I still don't think that I like the book. As I said, I think it's important to understand the meaning behind the book, such as Ferenheit 451. Just telling kids not to make fun of each other doesn't mean that they'll listen. Telling a society not to cast out, and ostracize a member of the comunity does not mean that they'll suddenly go, "Oh, of course, that's wrong!" and stop doing it. As humans, we have to feel a certain amount of empathy before we connect, and realize, "Oh, telling that person they're burning in Hell because they stole my boyfriend isn't right!"
Most people can't connect the dots until they see it happen to an actual person. Sad, isn't it, that our hearts are so cold that we don't realize treating people with equal amounts of respect it something we should do in the first place?


Sunday, October 08, 2006

A word of advice.

Girls, if you ever find yourself going to a dance, ask if it's going to be an outdoor dance.
And if so, buy flats, no matter how cute those heels are.
Trust me on this one.
Slow-dancing is rediculously difficult when you keep sinking into the lawn.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Little Diddy

I see the world around me,
Spinning across the fabrics of time and space,
Considering the warm pleasantness
Of being completely clueless.

Ignorance truly is bliss,
Until life catches up to you,
An angry red wave of responsibilities
Shaking its fist in your direction.

I turn my head from the red,
Gazing instead upon the inky black
Until I realize what I did--
Signing up for two AP classes.


The Custom House intro, as far as I can tell, was simply a desire of the author to include another story in the same book. I could be wrong-- I haven't read the book yet-- but aside from just providing a frame, which he could've done in a page and a half instead of forty, the most important things in the intro seemed to be sketches-- of him, of his coworkers, of his predecessor, that were maybe not so much relevant as interesting. The book mentions in one of the footnotes that originally there were more sketches included in the book, which he took out, presumably, because they were too irrelevant.
I suppose, though, thinking about it, the sketches, the intro, and when he talks about his connection to Salem, could all just be a way of setting the scene, so to speak.
Like I said, I haven't read the book yet, so I'll reserve any final judgement for next week, or so.

In life, two things are for certain. Death, and taxes.

Nathaniel Hawthorne made the introduction to the Scarlet Letter to prove to the readers that it was true. He wanted to write a story that people would think was real, instead of writing a non-fictional story. I think it was a God complex, to be honest. Instead of just saying, "Kay, guys, here's a story that I wrote about not ostracize your neighbors," it was, "Here's this DOCUMENTED proof that Hester Prynne existed, and here are the hard-ships that she and her illegitimate child Pearl went through."