Saturday, January 13, 2007

Watch and See . . .

You don't know what you're doing.
Not only to yourself,
But to the people around you.
I understand you're growing,
And you feel the need to try these things.
But I can see you slipping,
Even when no one else does.

You're mask is breaking down,
The edges of your perfectly-formed plan crumbling.
I know they say it's what you want,
But you also know that's a lie.
Just like all the other lies you're saying.
I know you're not fine,
I know you're hurting,
I know you hate it when I tell you to stop.

But can't you just do that?
Just stop;
Take a step back,
And look at yourself,
And how far you're falling.
I can't protect you forever.
People tell me to let you make your mistakes.
But some things you don't need to pay for,
To regret for,
Apologize for.

You can't see it.
The fracture in your mask.
But I can.
And every time I see you crying inside,
Smiling outside,
Lying to those closest to you,
Just so those who you strive to be will accept you,
It breaks a part in me as well.

I can handle the breaks.
I can stand falling apart myself.
But what I can't stand,
What shatters my insides more than life,
Is watching you fall,
Out of grasp,
Unable to help,
Trying to protect you,
Trying to save you,
But failing.



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