Monday, September 18, 2006


I think that as part of Literature, we should read/watch/listen to musicals. As we're talking about poetry, and rythm, I keep thinking about how insane it is that a person can write an entire story in lyrical format, have music written to it, and not loose the meaning to their words. Like, Les Mis was first in French, but someone translated it into English, and it's one of the best-known musicals around, aside from Cats! maybe.
Just a side thought, really. I was just thinking about it, since I have a song from Ragtime stuck in my head.



Blogger lara said...

And Les Mis was a novel in the beginning. . . . Which musicals do you think would fit with an American Lit. curriculum? We could go see something at BYU together, if you'd like. . . .

11:35 AM  

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